Charlotteans robbed of safety under poor leadership...

Crime is a topic that is affecting every person in Charlotte regardless of political affiliation, race, gender, or background. Our crime rates are on the rise all around the city, homicides are up nearly 114% and climbing towards a record high for the year.  Meanwhile, we are currently facing a shortage of both uniformed officers and new recruits in the police academy.  

Our current activist City Council has bred a lack of trust due to a rift in accountability during our civil unrest. We should have come together as a community and instead the Democratic led City Council tried to use it as a political marketing opportunity. We should have supported due process rather than immediately calling ethics into question.

If you don’t think of yourself as someone who is interested in politics, you probably have pretty strong feelings when it comes to crime and keeping our city protected. I am passionate about keeping our city safe for all of us, and our children; it’s one of the main reasons I’m running for City Council. While there are limits on what City Council can do when it comes to public safety, there are a few things that I think are absolutely necessary within the jurisdiction of City Council:

  • We have to publicly support our police chief and police officers, there has to be a mutual level of respect and discourse.
  • Ensure the police department has the necessary technical and fiscal resources needed to ensure the safety of every Charlottean.
  • We have to drive an open conversations that will create mutual trust and accountability between the government, the police department, and our communities.

Charlotte City Council can influence the impact on crime, it simply takes strong leadership to drive the conversation.  I will always hold the city to a higher standard and transparently engage in the difficult conversations regardless of the situation. Make no mistake, the current Democratic led City Council (9-2) has negatively impacted our city by not openly supporting our police chief or doing anything to foster the community trust with our police.  We will continue to live in a world where protests and violence are the only manner in which people will feel they can be heard without open dialouge. We can and will solve this by engaging in every corner of our great city.

I believe in our city, I believe that every voice deserves to be heard and I believe that our leadership needs to be held accountable to the community. We can come together to unite our city under new leadership and a fresh approach to engaging with our citizens.  I will work tirelessly to make crime, community involvement and public safety a top priority because everyone deserves to feel safe and protected.

Walt Kelley